informations event area


Notify the page display switching in the information window and the change of display element selection.


Name Definition Name Description
Information window page display event onShow This event is notified when the page in the information window is displayed.
Information window page non-display event onHide This event is notified when the page in the information window is hidden.
Information window page display element selection event onSelectionChanged This event is notified when an element is selected on the display page in the information window.
Information window page display element double-click event onDoubleClick This event is notified when an element is double-clicked on the display page in the information window.

Interface belonging to area

Name Description
InformationOnShowEventParams Parameters for page display events in the information window.
InformationOnHideEventParams Parameters for the information window page hidden event.
InformationSelectionChangedEventParams Parameters for the information window page display element selection event.
InformationOnDoubleClickEventParams Parameters for the information window page display element double-click event.